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Gestaltung der Website und Inhalte: Copyright Adrian F M Beesley

Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehme ich keine Haftung für die Inhalte dieser Website, auch nicht von externen Links. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Inhalt und Struktur der Website sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die Vervielfältigung von Informationen oder Daten, Musik, Songs, insbesondere die Verwendung von Bildmaterial, Texten oder Textteilen, Musik oder Songteile bedarf der vorherigen Zustimmung des Urhebers Adrian F M Beesley.




We carefully and continuously verify and update the information on our website. Nevertheless, we cannot assume any responsibility for the validity of the contents and the accuracy, completeness and/or quality of the information. The same applies to all other websites that are referred to with hyperlinks. Adrian F M Beesley is not responsible for the contents of websites accessed through such links. Adrian F M Beesley also does not assume any responsibility or liability for possible illegal contents or other breaches of the law on the websites of other providers. The use of this website and the downloading of data occurs at the users own risk. Adrian F M Beesley does not assume any responsibility for resulting damages, especially to the data, hardware and software of the user.               COPYRIGHT:                                                                                                                                           The content and structure of this website are the property of Adrian F M Beesley. All music, texts, pictures, graphics and animations/video clips are subject to copyright and other laws for the protection of intellectual property., and may not be copied, modified, tranferred, reused, made available, or used for public and commercial purposes without my prior written consent.     

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